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Gordon Food Service Pie Sale

by Max Thames
(Brown City, MI #409)

We recently completed our first Gordon Food Service Pie Sale fundraiser, a non-profit organization food program.

The programs are quite simple and require no up-front cash outlay to undertake (a benefit to small and older lodges like ours).

Simply put, the pie program (best conducted before the holidays) works like this:

Your lodge chooses from a selection of about 40 pies (including Hi-Pies (greatly stuffed), Cheese Cakes, and Cream Pies, and various fruit pies) to sell.

Gordon produces a sales sheet that is personalized with your lodge name and various backgrounds on the front cover.

Inside, a full color catalog of each pie is presented.

The back contains an order sheet to be filled out by each lodge member that participates.

The order sheets are included in a special mailing or the regular newsletter. It should be noted that the pies are delivered by the sellers, so out of area members would be hard pressed to sell.

We started on November 5 and sold through the 18th when we picked up the pies from Gordon's. The pies are paid for when picked up.

Profit for the lodge is around $4.50. We sold 89 pies (only 11 members sold) and made $425 profit.

The actual effort was minimal. It's a great program and we intend to repeat annually.


Thanks for sharing a great idea, Max, since most everyone wants at least one pie during the holidays.

Glad it worked well for your lodge.

To everyone else, please note that Gordon's has 140 stores, but according to their website, they are only located in 8 states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Tennessee.

Caveat: I, personally, am not familiar with Gordon's. To anyone who is interested in trying this fundraiser, please use normal due diligence, as with all fundraising activities.

Has anyone else used Gordon's as a lodge fundraiser? If so, please share your experience.

If anyone else has a great Masonic fundraiser to share like this Gordon Food Service Pie Sale, please do so by filling in the form.

Thanks, again, Max!


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