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Lodge Fundraiser Raffle

by Tyler

A lodge fundraiser raffle can be a great way to boost funds to benefit charity.

Simon: Charity raffles can be a fun way to raise funds, however, games of chance are illegal in many U.S. states and many Grand Lodge By-Laws prohibit them. Always check with your Grand Lodge before beginning lodge fundraiser raffles, charity bingo games and other such games of chance.

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Mar 14, 2010
Lodge Raffle-Legality Clarification-Michigan
by: Anonymous

In Michigan, a lodge can hold raffles, as long as they do not personally profit from them. So, that is true. I'm glad you cleared that up.

So a lodge in Michigan can, say, raffle a Masonic T-shirt and use the money for the lodge (non-profit organization) as long as you do not use the money for (individual), personal uses, and you make it known to the ticket holders what the purpose of the raffle funds are (who will benefit).

Simon: Thanks for writing! That was helpful to know. Again, though, always check with your Grand Lodge, first. They will be able to guide you as to the legalities of raffles in your state or country.

Would anyone else like to share information about their lodge raffles, what items you raffle, how much tickets are and how successful it has been for your lodge ?

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