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Masonic Fundraiser - BBQ Competition

by PM Greg Ortegae

Like many Lodges, we have many Brothers that "say" they can BBQ. They go on and on about how their Ribs, Chicken, Pork, Brisket is unlike any other that you have tasted before.

We decided to have a BBQ Competition. The early stages of planning had us thinking of it as a side show during our Masonic Family BBQ. However, we realized that every Lodge has a BBQ guy if not three or four. So we decided to have it as its own event. Open it up to the entire district.

Here is how the fund raising breaks down:

There is an entry fee for the competitors. This covers the trophy cost and adds to the overall take. The competitors provide everything they need for their BBQ.

There is an entry fee for sampling. These are regular people that are responding to your advertisements that want to come and eat.

The judging can be done by professional judges (if you have access to them) or a secret ballot by the samplers. One of these methods may cost money.

I hope this helps!

PM Greg Ortegae
William T. Wallace Lodge No. 134

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