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by Dave
(Highlands of Scotland, Lodge 866)
I spent many years reading online about Freemasonry and just never took that 1st step. I didn't know anyone that was a Mason to ask so I didn't bother.
As my 30th birthday approached last year, I knew that Freemasonry wasn't going to come to me, I had to make the 1st step. As I said, I did not know any Masons (or so I thought!) so I emailed my town's Lodge from their website and was invited to meet with one of them a few days later.
It turned out I did know this person and he invited me to their Annual Social Night the following weekend and to take my wife along. We went, nervously, but when I arrived, I found I knew many of the brethren, some for many years.
In November 2011, I was initiated. January 2012 passed to the 2nd degree and went through the 3rd degree in late February.
I am already heavily involved with the Fundraising committee and we have renovated an old upstairs room to be used for Social Functions. It may only be less than 1 year, but I have met so many great men that I am proud to call Brother.
Be prepared to visit other Lodges in your District/Region. Again, I knew faces and now know a lot more.
Sincere and Fraternal Greetings to existing brethren,
If you are thinking about joining Freemasonry, don't wait as long as I did, I could have been in 9 years earlier if I had only taken that first step and I already regret not doing it earlier.
Bro D Anderson
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