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by Corky
(Waller, Texas)
What is a No Chicken Chicken Sale, you may ask?
During the August stated meeting, one of the Brothers made the suggestion that we should hold a fundraiser to raise cash for a small local project. Of course, being small town Texans, what could be more Masonic then a bar-b-que chicken sale.
After some discussion, it was decided that the price of chickens has increased so much since the last sale, our profits would pretty small.
It was also brought up that many of the Brothers are getting older and the August temperature here would be in the 100’s.
One of the Brothers stood up and said he would rather just donate $20.00 to the project than try to bar-b-que and sell the hot chicken halves in our summer heat.
Almost every one of the members present agreed that it was an excellent idea for a summer fund raiser and the "No-Chicken Sale" was born.
It was decided to extend the program through the September stated meeting so that every member not there for the August meeting could have a chance to participate in helping our Lodge.
A notice about the, "No Chicken Sale", was also included in the September newsletter.
We probably took in about as much as the profit we would have made in a past bar-b-sale sale without an upfront financial outlay and it all took place in the air conditioned Lodge Room.
This may not work so well for our northern Brothers in the summer, but it would work well in January.