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by Donald R MacLeod,
(Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, Canada)
Why did I become a Freemason? I was certainly impressed by men I knew to be Masons, including my father and two of my brothers.
My father died before I decided to inquire. Over the years, I noticed that many men I knew, who lived by a higher standard of ethical and moral behavior, also happened to be Freemasons.
On January 9th, 1971, I asked the W.M., who had just conducted my father's Masonic funeral service, how I could learn more about Freemasonry. I had just relocated to Nova Scotia, and due to residency requirements, I had to wait a year before I received an application form.
The M.M. degree was conferred on me on April 11,1972. My Masonic career has been more than I could have ever imagined and my Masonic journey continues. I pray to the GAOTU that yours does as well.
Fraternally, Bro. Don MacLeod, GR Nova Scotia.
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