Freemason Ritual
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Upon receiving your Master Mason degree, you may wish to begin studying ritual and begin ascending through the Masonic chairs to become an officer in your lodge.
New Freemasons would like to learn Masonic ritual in the most expedient manner.
However, most Masons learn it over many years of attending lodge meetings and studying for proficiency.
As each Masonic officer ascends the chairs within the lodge, he must also memorize a new part of the ritual.
Over the centuries, millions of men have learned it, however, like any other body of knowledge, until you begin in a step-by-step manner, this can look like a somewhat challenging task.
Quite a few visitors to this website search for Masonic rituals. Some of you are simply curious as to what they contain. To those of you, I would suggest you read my page on How to Become a Freemason.
Afterwards, for more information, go to my Site Map and choose a few pages which are of interest to you. This is the best way to get a "feel" for what Freemasonry is and what it is not. You may be quite surprised.
If the Holy Book within your religion is the Bible, you may wish to begin by reading Freemasonry and the Bible. For Christian Freemasons, the Bible is the foundation of Masonic precepts.
Freemasonry is non-sectarian , (which means no single religion).
Freemason Ritual
Learning Masonic Ritual: The time-honored
way to learn Masonic ritual is by listening to it during lodge meetings and
studying to memorize it.
Masonic EA Ritual Work: Entered Apprentices
and Fellow Craft are not required to learn ritual work.
Degree work is solely
performed by Master Masons. If you are an Entered Apprentice or
FellowCraft, the best way to learn ritual is to attend all lodge meetings and to
begin studying for an officer position as well as request of your Worshipful
Master a Masonic Mentor.
All lodge officers are Master Masons, which means they have attained their Master Mason degree.
Blue Lodge Master Mason Ritual
Once you have been raised to the degree of Master Mason, other than your attending each of your lodge meetings and studying on your own, there are 3 other ways which are very helpful in learning Freemason ritual.
1. Masonic Mentors
Many lodges have designated instructors who mentor their members.
These Masonic Mentors volunteer their services or are requested by the Worshipful Master to share their knowledge with the brethren.
These Masonic mentors are typically Past Masters who, having ascended through all the officer chairs of the lodge, are very knowledgeable in not only Freemason ritual, but Freemason history, Masonic lodge etiquette and lodge operations.
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Fastest Way to Learn Masonic Ritual
2. Ritual Team
While there are no easy ways to learn Freemason ritual, the fastest and best approach is to join a Ritual Club...or Ritual Team. These Master Masons assist in performing the degree ceremonies,... many times for the second part of the third degree, for various lodges within their area.
Ask your Worshipful Master if there is a Ritual Team group in your area which you may be able to attend their meetings to Fast Track this body of Masonic knowledge.
If you dutifully attend these meetings as well as your lodge meetings; you will be able to comfortably move up through the chairs at a much faster pace.
Ritual Team Lodges: Some Masonic districts
even have one lodge or a designated body of members who solely perform degree
work and Masonic funeral ceremonies for other lodges in their district.
Masonic Funeral Ritual: If you have ever witnessed a Masonic funeral ceremony, you know that it is a lengthy Masonic service and respectful of a life properly a farewell to a Brother should be.
Few are chosen to perform this ceremony. Those who are chosen are well-respected for their dedication to the Craft. Should you wish to become one of these few, ask your Worshipful Master for information about whether the Ritual Team in your district performs these ceremonies and how best you may be able to begin studying.
3. Warden's Club: Some lodges within a district form what is called a Warden's Club. The Warden's Club consists of Junior Wardens, Senior Wardens, Worshipful Masters, Past Masters, Ritual Team members and any other lodge member who wishes to attend just to watch, listen and learn.
As the wardens ascend toward the Master's chair, the ritual practice received by attending Warden's Club meetings can be invaluable. If your district does not have a Warden's Club, I highly encourage you to consider starting one.
Once lodge officers and other members become more proficient in ritual, they are able to perform more and more of their own degrees without outside help from other lodges or Ritual Team members.
They, in turn, mentor the new ascending officers.
Request more information about the possibility of sitting-in on these Freemason ritual practice meetings from your Worshipful Master, District Deputy Grand Master (DDGM) or District Deputy Grand Lecturer (DDGL).
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