Masonic Funeral Committee

Masonic Funeral Apron Set on
Masonic Funeral Committee Members
The Masonic Funeral Committee is comprised of 3 men designated by the
Worshipful Master.
Member Directory
Have an up-to-date
directory of all members of his lodge in his possession.
to watch the obituary columns for any member who may have passed on.
Funeral Ritual
in possession of an up-to-date list of possible members who can perform the
Masonic Funeral ritual services.
Important! If your Funeral Committee
is not in possession of an up-to-date list of possible members who can
perform the ritual, they should contact their DDGM (District Deputy Grand
Master) to be apprised of which of the brethren is fully capable of
providing the service.
Aprons and Jewels Location
Know at all times the exact location of the Masonic funeral
aprons and the lodge’s Masonic jewels.
Aprons and Jewels Condition
the condition of the funeral aprons and jewels. Should any of them not be
found to be in good condition, dirty, lost, etc., it is the duty of the
Funeral Committee Chairman to advise the brethren of such during the next
lodge business meeting.
At the Passing of a
Upon the death of a member of the lodge, it is the responsibility of the Masonic Funeral Committee to:
Contact the family of the
Ask the family if the
deceased wished to have a Masonic funeral performed by the brethren, as is their right as a Master Mason in good standing.
If a Masonic Funeral is to be performed:
- Request that the widow or
family member bring the deceased member’s white leather
apron which the member received when he was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, to the Funeral Home.
- Request the date, time and
funeral home name where the Masonic Funeral Service will be performed. and whether the family is in need of pallbearers.
- Request if there is
anything that the brethren can do for the family at
this time.
Typically, the Secretary of the Lodge handles all correspondence.
This includes sending a sympathy card to the family. Notify the Secretary so that he may attend to sending a sympathy card.
Feel free to print this Masonic Lodge Funeral
Committee page for your own notebook and e-mail this page’s URL (web address) to other members of your Masonic Lodge Funeral Committee.
Your Masonic lodge notebook should include a copy of:
- The lodge’s Name and
Address Directory of its members
- By-Laws
- Budget
- List of all committees with committee member names
You might also like these pages:
This Masonic Lodge Committee List provides the duties for each lodge committee. Simply print, fill-in-the-blank and place this Masonic Lodge Committee List into your lodge notebook.
Step-by-step duties of the Masonic Budget Committee.
Duties performed by the Masonic ByLaws Committee of the Masonic lodge.
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