Masonic Budget Committee

The Masonic Budget Committee is typically comprised of 5 men. 

They are the:

  • Worshipful Master
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Two Master Masons

It is the responsibility of the Masonic Budget Committee to advise the Master of the funds available to him so that the Master can make informed decisions throughout his elected year as to the dispensation of lodge funds. 

The Budget Committee cannot perform their task until the Masonic Auditing Committee has audited the Treasurer’s books and reported their findings to the lodge’s members as correct. 

Simon-Sez:  If you create an annual budget before the Treasurer's books are audited, you may have to perform the task a second time!

The Budget Committee prepares a budget of the dues income which will be available for the operation of the Lodge for the upcoming year. 

WHEN:  They will annually review the Worshipful Master-elect’s budget to ensure the Lodge finances are in order to meet its obligations.

HOW:  You must first ascertain the beginning balances for all lodge accounts.  This information is available from your lodge Treasurer.

The easiest way to prepare a budget is if your lodge is using QuickBooks or other accounting software.

Dues Income

STEP 1:  If your Lodge Uses an Accounting Program

Request of your Treasurer to print an Income detail report for the previous year for all income received.

STEP 1A:  If Lodge Performs Accounting Manually

If your lodge accounting is not yet automated, ask your Lodge Treasurer to give you an up-to-date accounting of DUES RECEIVED:


  • How many full dues-paying members you currently have.
  • How many decreased dues-paying members, (e.g.:  Past Masters) you currently have.
  • How many endowed (free, non-paying) lifetime members you have.
  • How many members have been sent dues notices, but for which your Treasurer has not received payment.


Now, multiply the correct dues amounts for each of the first 3 groups, above.

Example:  The example below is based on annual dues for each member as being $ 50.00.

Member dues = $ 50.00 per year

Full dues-paying members 200 x $ 50.00 $ 10,000.
Decreased dues-paying members 6 x $ 25.00   $      150.
Endowed Memberships  11 x 0 $      000.
Total Dues Income Received    $ 10,150.

Simon-Sez:  Many Masonic Budget Committees mistakenly request the total number of members from their Treasurer or Secretary and multiply that number times the dues amount for the upcoming year.  This is incorrect and may very well create a budget short-fall resulting in a mad scramble toward the end of the year by the entire lodge due to this bookkeeping error by the Budget Committee.  Don’t let this be you.  As you can see, above, if you had simply multiplied the total number of lodge members times your dues amount, (e.g)....

(100 members x $ 50.00), which = $ 5,000.00, you would have a budget shortfall of $ 700.00 to explain to the brethren!

You have now accurately counted your previous year’s DUES income.

Recurring Fundraiser Income

Recurring Fundraiser income should not be placed in your budget, as it is uncertain as to the amount of funds your fundraisers will be able to raise during the year.  Proceeds from fundraisers should be placed as a separate line item under "Fundraiser Funds" or such other description as is appropriate to your lodge.  Therefore, only dues income should be placed into your budget. 

STEP 2:  :  If your Lodge Uses an Accounting Program:  

Use the detailed Income Report which you requested of your Lodge Treasurer in Step 1 to give you an up-to-date accounting of RECURRING FUNDRAISER INCOME RECEIVED.

STEP 2A:  If  your Lodge Performs Accounting Manually: 

Ask your Lodge Treasurer to give you an up-to-date accounting of RECURRING FUNDRAISER INCOME RECEIVED. 

Add up the income received from any and all RECURRING fundraiser activities such as Chili or Soup Night, Pancake Breakfast, Fish Fry, Garage Sale, etc.



Chili Night   100 people x $ 5.00  =  $    500.
Pancake Breakfast    70 people x $ 5.00 = $    350.
Fish Fry   40 people x $ 5.00 = $    200.
Total Recurring Fundraiser Income   $ 1,050.


STEP 3:  If your Lodge Uses an Accounting Program:  

Ask your Lodge Treasurer to print an Expense detail report for the previous year.


The next step the Masonic Budget Committee must perform is to analyze your previous year’s income to determine whether current dues income will be greater- than, (>), less-than (-) or equal-to (=) your previous year’s income. 



Total Dues Income Received              (from Step 1A)   $  10,150.
Total Income:   $  10,150.


Recurring Expenses are placed into the budget using the previous year’s numbers, taking into account any new recurring expenses which must be added to the total.

Expenses may include:

Rent Paid $ 3,600.
Utilities Paid $ 1,000.
Reimbursements to Members for lodge meals (if applicable $    400.
Lodge Maintenance $    500.
Other $    500.
Total Expenses:       $ 6,000.


Total Income minus Total Expenses = Total Budget dollars available to the lodge for the Master’s elected year.

Total Dues Income     $ 10,150.
Total Expenses     $    6,000.
Total Budget Dollars Available  $  4,150.

Once the Masonic Budget Committee has established a correct figure, the committee reports their findings to the lodge at the next stated meeting.

Don't Forget!  The Masonic Budget Committee cannot perform their task until the Masonic Auditing Committee has audited the Treasurer’s books and reported their findings to the lodge’s members as correct. 

Related Pages:

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